Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Photo of Wally

I take photos of my rather unique-looking dog Wally a lot (probably too much). I like to think I've become more creative with my dogtography over the past year and a half that I've owned my lovable mutt. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Some Features from Snowbull 2013

Snowbull is an three-day annual indoor rodeo that brings bull riders and rodeo enthusiasts from around the midwest to Burlington, Iowa. Though I didn't get to hang out the entire time, I did get a chance to photograph some behind-the-scenes action and meet very interesting people.

One of those people was traveling rodeo performer David Whitmoyer from Helena, Montana. A few years ago Whitmoyer was kicked in the face during an act. He lost four teeth and it took six facial reconstructive surgeries to correct the damage done. Doctors ironically used bovine bone during the process. "I guess I got them back," he said.